牛冬梅,李海洋,梁峰,温丽华,罗晓琳 |
Covariance analysis of the coulomb explosion of ammonia induced by intense nanosecond laser at 532 nm |
科学通报 |
牛冬梅, 李海洋,梁峰,罗晓琳,温丽华 |
Controllable generation of highly stripped ions with different charges by nanosecond laser ionization of clusters at different wave lengths |
Applied Physic Letters |
牛冬梅, 李海洋,梁峰,温丽华,罗晓琳 |
Coulomb explosion of ammonia clusters induced by intense nanosecond laser at 532 and 1064 nm:Wavelength dependence of the multicharged nitrogen ions |
Journal of Chemical Physics |
罗晓琳,牛冬梅,孔祥雷,温丽华,梁峰,裴克梅,王宾,李海洋 |
Cluster-assistant generation of multiply charged atomic ions in nanosecond laser ionization of seeded methyl iodide beam |
Chemical Physics |
罗晓琳,李海洋,牛冬梅,温丽华,梁峰,王宾,肖雪 |
Cluster-assisted multiple ionization of Xenon and Krypton by a nanosecond laser |
Physics Review A |
牛冬梅,李海洋,梁峰,温丽华,罗晓琳,王宾,候克勇,张西咸 |
Cluster assistant multiply ionization of Benzene by nanosecond laster:wavelength dependence of the production of highly charged carbon ions |
Chemical Physics Letters |
梁军,李海洋,刘颖,程爽 |
Complexes of alkali metal cations with trifluoromethyl: A computational investigation on the structure and stability of M+-(CF3) (M=Li, Na, K) isomers |
Journal of Molecular Structure (THEOCHEM) |
梁军,李海洋 |
Franck-Condon simulation of the photoelectron spectrum of SO2- including Duschinsky effects |
Chemical Physics |
邵士勇, 李海洋,罗晓琳,肖雪,牛冬梅,温丽华,王宾,梁峰,候克勇 |
乙腈团簇增强的激光高价电离现象的质谱研究 |
物理化学学报 |
牛冬梅, 李海洋,梁峰,温丽华,罗晓琳 |
应用协方差分析研究纳秒强场下氨的库仑爆炸过程 |
科学通报(快讯) |