




Yuanyuan Xie, Ping Chen, Lei Hua, Keyong Hou, Yongchao Wang, Haiyan Wang, Haiyang Li Rapid Identification and Quantification of Linear Olefin Isomers by Online Ozonolysis-Single Photon Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom
谢园园,花磊,陈平,侯可勇,蒋吉春,王艳,李海洋 气相色谱-单光子电离飞行时间质谱的联用及在柴油组分表征中的应用 色谱
李庆运;花磊;蒋吉春;侯可勇;齐雅晨;田地;王海燕;李海洋 用于催化过程在线监测的高分辨光电离飞行时间质谱仪的研制和应用 分析化学
李金旭;侯可勇;赵无垛;陈文东;蒋吉春;刘巍;李庆云;田地;李海洋 磁增强光电子电离便携式飞行时间质谱仪的研制及其在挥发性还原态硫化物测量中的应用 分析化学
齐雅晨;刘巍;蒋吉春;王卫国;李庆运;田地;侯可勇;李海洋 无窗射频放电单光子电离质谱在线监测氯苯的研究 质谱学报
Yuanyuan Xie, Lei Hua, Keyong Hou, Ping Chen, Wuduo Zhao, Wendong Chen, Bangyu Ju, and Haiyang Li Long-Term Real-Time Monitoring Catalytic Synthesis of Ammonia in a Microreactor by VUV-Lamp-Based Charge-Transfer Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Anal. Chem.
Ping Chen, Keyong Hou, Lei Hua, Yuanyuan Xie, Wuduo Zhao, Wendong Chen, Chuang Chen, and Haiyang Li Quasi-Trapping Chemical Ionization Source Based on a Commercial VUV Lamp for Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Anal. Chem.
Wendong Chen, Keyong Hou, Lei Hua, Xingchuang Xiong, Haiyang Li Water-assisted low temperature plasma ionization source for sensitive detection of explosives RSC Advances
Shasha Cheng, Weiguo Wang, Qinghua Zhou, Chuang Chen, Liying Peng, Lei Hua, Yang Li, Keyong Hou, and Haiyang Li Fast Switching of CO3–(H2O)n and O2–(H2O)n Reactant Ions in Dopant-Assisted Negative Photoionization Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Explosives Detection Anal. Chem.
Qinghua Zhou,Enyou Li, Xin Wang, Yulei Gong, Lei Hua, Weiguo Wang, Tuanshuai Qu, Jinghua Li, Yiping Liu, Changsong Wang and Haiyang Li Trap-and- release membrane inlet ion mobility spectrometry for on-line measurement of trace propofol in exhaled air Anal. Methods